Thursday, December 18, 2008


Finals and clean checks are over! Grades are out and I'm very pleased with them. My roommate Rhonda is staying with my family off and on over the three weeks we have off for Christmas. I'm pretty excited. It hasn't even been a week, but I'm already missing school and work. I don't miss waking up early, but you can't have it both ways all the time:D. I'm excited for Christmas and spending time with family! I'm way excited for my roommates and classes next semester!!! Next semester has all the makings of an amazing and super fun semester; I can't wait to see what it brings!!! Merry Christmas Everyone!!!:D

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Thanksgiving and Finals

Thanksgiving break was much needed. I have been going to college every semester I can since I started. This semester is my fourth semester in a row and I still have Winter semester before I get a break. For Thanksgiving break we had the whole week off, so I was at my apartment by myself. It was SO lonely! I'm very grateful for all my guyfriends in my ward that let me hangout at their houses in the evenings before I went to Boise!
I went to boise with my family for Thanksgiving. I love playing in the Turkey Bowl on Thanksgiving morning and Black Friday shopping the next morning! I got to spend lots of time with my neice Nicole! She likes to be carried and by the end of the weekend my arms were so tired. She calls me "My Jenny" and tells me I'm "bewful". Her mom was showing her off and would point to the cover of the Conference edition of the Ensign and she would say "Pwofet" and "Pwesent Monson". One evening she came running into the room ver excited saying, "Pwesent Monsn, Pwesent Monsn.", really fast. I couldn't understand her so I had her show me. She dragged me into the front room where my aunt and uncle had just arrived, pointed to my uncle and said,"Pwesent Monson." It was so cute.
So this week is Finals week. It's not too bad, yesterday was my busy day because everything was due then. I only have one final left and I'll take it on Thursday in class. It won't be bad at all. Then all the fun of clean checks and then Christmas break!!!